
Making the average day more interesting... That's me below in the green, snogging the Pig. We've all snogged a few pigs in our lives.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Not one wants you!

I’m sure I have bitched about this before, but it really shits me.

Today the Australian Olympic team returned to Australia for a big Welcome Home celebration.

There was the Prime Minister, as he should be.

There was the Premier, as he should be.

There was the head of the Australian Olympic Committee, as he should be.

And there was the leader of the Opposition.

Wait. Why? Why was he there? Why?

No one voted for you, (and no one likes you) you’re not the leader of this country, you’re only the leader of the political party that is not in power.

I’m sure that in most other countries they don’t have their PM / President at something like this AND the other bloke comes along. You never hear of the opposition leader in other countries.

What a joke.

And of course who pays for him to be chauffeured there and back and every other cost you can think of? You and me of course.

If someone can explain to me why the opposition leader has to attend everything the Prime Minister attends, I’d really like to know!


Blogger Scorpy said...

Yeah, it shits me was worse when we had the Democrats as they used to tag along as well. You never see that other bloke hanging around with Mugabe when the Zimbabwians (sp?) teams return :)

How long did those poor bastards in the second plane (which landed first) have to wait????

5:00 pm  
Blogger Liz said...

Not every country has a leader of the opposition. ;)

Seriously though, it is tacky.

And what's tackier is that they let the MEDALISTS fly home on a nice sweet plane and hit up first class, while everyone else was stuck in a 747.

That kind of sucks.

7:37 pm  
Blogger Sarah said...

Good point.

And elizabeth is right- no unity for the athletes! There's first class and cattle class...

7:24 pm  
Blogger fingers said...

He was the silver medallist in the election, stupid.
If Sally McClellan gets a parade then so should Dr Nelson...

4:26 pm  
Blogger Bo Bo said...

It’s like brining you’re wife to you’re Bucks party, or should I say girlfriend....Sorry opposition leader

2:52 pm  

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