
Making the average day more interesting... That's me below in the green, snogging the Pig. We've all snogged a few pigs in our lives.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Not much happening here...

A few weird things I have seen lately :

- A Jewish guy in full Jewish outfit, long black coat, skullcap and long curly sideburns, but on his feet he was wearing a bright blue pair of Crocs.

- A homeless guy who pulled out some cash from his pocket. Not only were there several $5 and $10 notes, but he also had a few $50 notes! I felt like asking HIM for some change!

- A guy about 70 years old giving me the finger because I accidentally cut him off. I didn’t know Septuagenarians knew about 'the finger' !

- A woman parking a van on a hill, gets out and the van starts rolling down the hill. She then stands in front of the van to try and stop it. Luckily she doesn’t get run over and decides to get into the van to stop it.

- Warick Capper is 'doing' the woman who lives next door to my Mum. (people outside Oz won't know who he is, but he was a great Aussie Rules Football player. Now he's an idiot.)


Blogger Scorpy said...

Hey...your'e giving idiots a bad name lol

4:35 am  
Blogger Michelle said...

The thought of Warwick Capper "doing" anyone makes me want to vomit.

7:12 am  
Blogger MikeFitz said...

While he was once a great football player and is no longer, he's always been an idiot.

11:03 am  
Blogger Cazzie!!! said...

Wow, you have seen some amazing things..and I wish I could blog all the things I see in just one day, alas, confidentiality prevails and I cannot, such is life as a nurse :(

10:51 pm  

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