
Making the average day more interesting... That's me below in the green, snogging the Pig. We've all snogged a few pigs in our lives.

Friday, October 12, 2007


Who would really want to be famous?

Would you really want to go out for a coffee and be greeted with this?

This is a picture of a paparazzi scrum surrounding Britney Spears as she buys a cup of coffee. Oh wow, Britney buys coffee.

Yes poor Britney has done some stupid things over the years, but imagine if every time you stepped out of your house you had these morons trying to take photos of you doing something, anything! - I think it would drive anyone a bit nuts...

If those vultures followed me around 24 / 7 trying to take 'news-worthy' photos of me, then yes I'm sure they would be able to catch me doing plenty of stupid things.


Blogger Julia said...

Never ever, in a million years or dollars. Which is why I wonder why they still do it. Low egos it must be. But then again that tosser Sting - who is quite spiritual - recently said "you get lonely without the fame". Do you? It's not enough to have friends and family? Pff.

9:21 am  
Blogger Scorpy said...

I always wondered why these people STILL lived in Hollyweird? Why not move to some little place in upper Montana or even OS? Also, why do they not have a chauffeur with all of their squillions of dollars?

11:17 am  
Blogger Max said...

and really....
is going to make a massive difference to the quality of your life if you don't know what Britney did when she went for coffee today??

there just seems to be a new magazine out every month that jumps on the old wagon.

we all need to go for a surf or a walk or have a beer with a mate and stop consuming the stuff then there wont be a need for it.

12:41 pm  
Blogger Sarah said...

Considering she could afford a damn good espresso machine AND someone to make it for her, it's hard not to think that her constantly going to Starbucks is just an attempt to get that kind of attention, considering it's been going on for years and she still seems to leave the house every day for burgers and starbucks rather than make her own or have someone do it for her.

And ditto to what scorpy said.

2:11 pm  
Blogger Enny said...

It looks so terrible and I love Britney!

BUT. I've read (internet) rumour that she lets the paps know what she's doing because she's terrified of NOT being in the spotlight. Did you see what she did the days her kids got taken away? She hit the shops all day and got a tan and stuff! It's not like she's totally the victim here... I do still love her though!

6:57 pm  
Blogger Cazzie!!! said...

I'd be famous for swearing at people who got in my way, that IS what would happen to me if I was famous!

9:55 pm  
Blogger Ms Smack said...

Britney can't win. If she stays at home and cries, she'll be 'having a mental breakdown'. If she goes on about her life and tries to be strong, she's painted as cold and uncaring about the boys.

People need to remember that she's under 30, estranged from family, failing in her career, and under enormous pressure from a fucked up ex-husband who is rorting her financially and she's losing her boys because she's losing the plot.

What under 30 year old wouldn't lash out? or drink excessively to escape the pain?

I feel sorry for her.

3:14 am  
Blogger Neily said...

happens to me all the time now I live in Hollywood. You learn to just drive through the pricks

10:58 am  
Blogger The Ambiguous Blob said...

Seriously- if stars would move out of LA, they would not have to deal with this. It's simple! There are planes and trains and cars to transport them to work and premiers and meetings whenever they NEED to be here. Oy.

2:58 am  

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