
Making the average day more interesting... That's me below in the green, snogging the Pig. We've all snogged a few pigs in our lives.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Mobile Phone Don’ts

There are two main things I hate about people and mobile phones (cell phones for all the readers in the U.S.), besides the obvious ones of people talking too loud or talking in the elevators so everyone else can hear.

1. People who cup their hand over their mouth and their mobile phone while speaking.

Listen, unless you work for the FBI, CIA or ASIO, or you are some big time drug dealer, no one gives a shit what you are saying. Stop doing it and use the phone like anyone else.

2. People who think the only way to talk into a phone is to have the phone right in front of their face.

You’ve seen these people – when they are listening to the person on the other end, they have their phone next to their ear.

But when they need to talk back, they remove the phone from the side of their face and bring it around to in front of their mouth to speak directly into it.

Idiots – that’s what you are and that’s what you look like.

What shits you?


Blogger Julia said...

Yep, people who hover their phones somewhere in front of their face, because they're worried about brain damage. It always cracks me up.

12:44 pm  
Blogger Splade said...

Diarrhoea mostly. There was a woman at the shops ages ago who held her arm out at right angles to her body whilst talking on the phone. Avoided her.

12:46 pm  
Blogger Jen said...

People who wear the bluetooth things all the time. Very few people are important enough to require being connected to a phone 24/7.

14 year olds who think that the previews at the start of a movie are the perfect time to play ringtones to their friends. EVERYONE has a phone now, it's not cool or impressive. Why pay to go see a movie if you only wanna mess around with your phone in the dark?

Any sort of ringtone or message tone you buy from TV.

3:44 pm  
Blogger Neily said...

pricks who dont indicate!

3:51 pm  
Blogger Cazzie!!! said...

LOL, good post, good points!!
I hate people who do not use seat belts..and especially parents who do not put seat belts on their kids!!!

4:17 pm  
Blogger The Ambiguous Blob said...

I think it's funny to see people taking on their phones with hands free devices so it looks like they're crazy and talking to themselves.

7:16 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha, had a good chuckle at this. esp number 1.

7:37 pm  

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