
Making the average day more interesting... That's me below in the green, snogging the Pig. We've all snogged a few pigs in our lives.

Monday, April 21, 2008


I don’t like work.

Never have, and I don’t think I ever will. It’s not that I am lazy, I’m not, I’d just much rather be doing other more interesting things like traveling, writing, surfing, reading, painting or even more simpler things like going to the pub or the beach.

Come to think of it, I did have one great job. It was in London, working for the best bosses imaginable, and apart from one sour bitch, worked with an awesome crew.

You can remain anonymous if you like, but I’d like to know what some of you people out there do for work AND more importantly, do you enjoy it.


Blogger Nerd Girl said...

I work at a cinema and it's not too bad. I get to see lots of movies for free and it's good pay for a part time job.
What I hate is the inherit stupidy of people. I don't know why the movie has scientific inacuracies because I didn't make it, I also didn't make everything so expensive at the candy bar so don't complain about it to me. Thank you. (This comment is not aimed at anyone in particular, please don't take offence)

2:03 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dentist. and i am very ambivalent about it....i wouldn't mind doing it 3-4 days a week but not more than that. But seeing as how every other dentist works hard and seems to enjoy it, i do it day in and day out but everyday a little part of me dies. Though then when i come home and indulge in some space cake i feel so much better.....

5:06 pm  
Blogger Enny said...

I work in the public service and I do technical HR things - that's about as descriptive as I can get! I enjoy the majority of people, I enjoy seeing my decisions have an effect and I enjoy the benefits. I don't enjoy how difficult it can be to get things done and I hate the large number of people that have worked there longer than me so think they have a right to be the rudest, most inconsiderate and most despicable people they can be.

5:50 pm  
Blogger Michelle said...

QLD public service. And it sucks. At least the office politics do.

I do stuff with numbers.

One thing that drives me insane are the life-long PS who have never worked private so don't really have any clue about the real world. You shouldn't be allowed to work for the PS unless you've worked private for at least a year.

6:11 pm  
Blogger The Ambiguous Blob said...

I do communications & training for a change management organization at a biotechnology company.
It's super corporate and pays the bills. I do not love or hate it.
I'm hoping it will lead to bigger and better things.

9:46 am  
Blogger Mike from Adelaide said...

Why is it that dentists always have to remain anonymous while docotr's can face the cameras and plug any old rubbish....

Anyweay I digress. I diagnose and fix or arrange to be fixed data lines - ADSL, BDSL, Frame Relay services etc

11:04 am  
Blogger Cazzie!!! said...

Yes, I do love what I do, and I will do it forever I so imagine. You know, there is always one asshat in every area we work some time or other... best bet is to either a) tell them so! or b) Ignore them :)

3:45 pm  
Blogger Splade said...

I'm a trainee accountant.

Both fellow staff (including managers) and clients don't listen and they then see the consequences. They then pass it all on to us to figure out how it can be fixed.

I'm beginning to burn out at the busy part of the year. I'm not brilliant at it but I make the effort.

The world would be a better place if people listened and experienced others situations.

9:05 pm  
Blogger Nerd Girl said...

You've been tagged!

11:46 pm  

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