If you find a sheep in long grass “just nice”, or eating a lamb chop is seen as “cannibalism”, don’t bother reading any further.
The world knows that Kiwis (New Zealanders) are wannabe-Australians.
But now I am starting to think that our government is encouraging them.
Firstly I heard about the Kiwis being able to get the Dole (welfare payments) here in Australia. And why not? Why sit in the eternal rain in NZ when you could be bludging in Bondi or on a Surfers Paradise beach.
Secondly I read recently where Kiwi Pensioners are allowed to use their Pension cards over here for discounts.
But this morning I heard the worst thing yet – New Zealanders are able to claim the First Home Owners Grant ($7,000) here in Australia, even if they already own a house back in NZ. Yet in Australia you can only get the grant if it is your first home.
Can you believe that?
That is fucking ridiculous!
Next thing they’ll be able to vote here, and the way they are flocking here like sheep, they’ll be able to vote in one of their own as the next Australian Prime Minister…